fish 3 August 2010
Read a newspaper over-the-shoulder and over-the-aisle of an airplane tonight and the story that stuck with me was someone winning a goldfish 33 years ago at a fun fair arcade and it was/is still alive. NOW, we all know how in thrall I am to arcades all my years and especially of late…but to win a living creature and have them so long after is, well, strange and a responsibility. I worked with a lovely man once who won such a goldfish and it spanned 2 of is 2 wives and though the 2nd wife is a lovely woman the goldfish was a bit of a reminder of the 1st wife during whose time the fish was won. Dunno if said fish is still alive but I will tell you that he used to put on rubber gloves in order not to ‘burn’ the fish when he had to handle it to remove gravel from its mouth and he kinda blew breath into its mouth once to save it…so maybe wife 2 had a point…