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welcome to the official website of Pauline McLynn

fired 2 June 2008

A friend of mine here in London works in computers in the City and is under the kosh a bit at the mo. For a while some years ago he was incredibly well paid as a contractor (my fave bit to envy was when he was flown first class on a number of occasions to Saudi Arabia and was paid the full whack for the time travelling too) but now times are hard – it’s credit and it’s crunchy, as my friends on Bremner Bird and Fortune would say. All of his department are to find out their fate this week and have been keeping the head down, turning up on time and working HARD in readiness. Most frightening for them was the fate of a colleague who was effectively fired recently – how it happened was he was offered a permanent job with the company = disaster. He couldn’t afford to take the post (much lower wages) so he had to go. My mate is now in total terror of being offered a similar job…

Apropos the Davina McColl comment – I am in no way judging her hair colour ad and what it entails – hey, we all gotta make a livin’ – it just led me to remembering when I was in a position of having to decide on something vaguely similar that would have affected my family.