feck 19 January 2009
Ah now, feckit, already the week seems lost. It might as well be Saturday tomorrow. In the melee that is coming I am trying to learn a few lines and do some acting (actually earning my money’s worth) EEK. The nutty schedule properly kicks off tomorrow evening after work when there’s a wee launch for MISSING YOU ALREADY, after rehearsals on Wednesday I have a Russian lesson, there’s a big photocall for the play on Thursday morning, then more rehearsals and after work on Thursday I get to go around the bookshops signing books and suddenly it’ll be Friday and the end of week 3 which also means that night myself, Victoria and Fiona are on the Late Late Show on Irish tv to talk about the play…and I am still reading the finalists for the Costa Book of the Year – final judging and the doo is next week in London…come to think of it I have no idea why I am talking/writing about all of this when I should be immersed in dealing with SOME of what’s on the list – ARGH.