executive decision 24 December 2008
In the absence of Himself I decided to concentrate on making downstairs of the site pretty so that a combo of it and many drinks would a party make…still have to make the cooking area hygienic but will deal with that tomorrow. Himself returned (after the unexpected trip to London’s Town) and we put up the tree and got a bit distracted by Sky Sports and the MANY other channels that arrive with Sky but we are back on track now and VERY grateful to the G who added dusty pawprints to the festive table setting tonight – invaluable – and she herself, it must be said, is looking thrilled with them too….
Have a good one, those of you who celebrate The Day, and for all others have a nice big RELAX that everyone else is occupied elsewhere.
Oops, the end of the year is nigh too if we are saying all of this – where has the time gone? It races along these days, for me anyhow (makes note to self – must slow up time in 2009)