eve 1 January 2010
I was at a wedding yesterday and glad of it. The couple who married hate New Year’s Eve in general as much as I do and decided to throw a doo to take the curse off it – a great day had by all – and, as was pointed out, they need never worry about forgetting their anniversary as it’s a fairly hard one to miss.
The snow has followed me to Dublin and is blanketing all in it’s path out there now. It’s a very pretty start to 2010, though the furry Odessan boots are in London presently as I didn’t think they’d be needed this side of the pond.
I’m delighted 2009 is consigned to history as it went wonky at the end (including one of my best friend’s cab being randomly shot at in Cape Town last night, windows shattered and a near miss with a 2.2 bullet!!) so here’s to a great new one…I feel kinda ready for 2010 so BRING IT!
Happy New Year to you all