equilibrium? 11 November 2008
I am trying to calm down over the book stuff (hard cos it is SO important) and I am sleeping so badly it’s unreal HOWEVER there are moments of equilibrium in all lives, eh?Ttoday, I caught up with a few things I have been meaning to do for ages. One was SO prosaic – washing the 3 china light fittings that will go back up in the old kitchen/dining area – FILTHY , greasy, now sparkling and safe in the attic…I hope.
One of the other things I had meant to do for ages was this -I was asked to do an intro to a book of irish blogs which will be all but self published and in aid of the homeless (ultimately) in Ireland – Focus Ireland is the charity (brilliant work, no question about it) – THRILLED to be asked and nothing but my own dotage was holding me back till today – tis now done and despatched (my bit, that is) and I believe the book HOMEPAGES will be out dec 8 and is a great gift for anyone – have read some of the entries and they are varied and very moving in all kinds of ways – hey, dats BLOGGIN’!
The windows have started to arrive and are majestic and wonderful and because they mirror what was first in the house I have to ask WHY DID ANYONE CHANGE the sash windows in the first place??(AGH!)
Herself’s snuffles only seem to be in evidence these days when she is sniffing in the chicken or actual MEAT her tablet is hidden in and are a sign of TOTAL pleasure – what have I DONE?!

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