eating 15 December 2008
I had a lovely lunch with my sister-in-law Lisa today in the course of which I mentioned that one of the things about being married to an agent (her brother, as you all know) is that you can sometimes find yourself eating really late if you wait to have dinner a deux. She made the very valid point that I could probably cheat and he wouldn’t notice as men rarely notice whether women are eating what’s on their plates or just pushing their food around. I think that might be true for the most part.
The cat has a VERY villainous look on her face as I type – it’s a ‘play with me so i can RASHER you hands’ kinda face. She’s attacking her tail, now, it’s clearly a very naughty thing tonight. It’s strange how the ‘madness’ overtakes her sometimes yet for the most part she’s content to sleep or purr.
Speaking of sleeping I had the awful event of waking up at 4.30 this morning and not being able to go back to sleep for four long hours – must have been all the boasting and delight about the great Sunday Sleep come back to roost and torture me.
Am having an early night as I have an early Russian lesson in the morning and having done one part of my homework really well, I have come a cropper on the various kinds of consonant and their relationships with one another and various vowels, weak and strong – ARGH! At least I now have a verb in my arsenal – to be…though at the moment it’s not to be, if you know what I mean, language-learning wise…
I got pear juice on this keypad a fortnight ago and the Y is sticking – any thoughts on how I can unstick same??