dublin 30 December 2009
Well, I finally made it home ‘for Christmas’ today…a fortnight after I’d have liked to. Bless the Husband but I think he’ll listen to me next time I say I don’t want to be anywhere but in one of my own beds – Lord knows there are enough of them to choose from. The break in Odessa would have been much better taken in February, say, when the tv series is put to bed and there are no significant vacations for the world to be taking and family and friends to be with. On the plus side, some great boots got bought. Now to shed those pounds gained, having lost such a good lot of weight during 2009, I am dismayed how quickly so much has gone back on. I am giving myself a strict time limit to be able to get back into some very small costumes…eh, hang on, NO – that’s not me, that’ll be the fact I have to/must get back into some very small costumes next week – sigh…2009, you weren’t great in the end of all…