doom 14 January 2009
I started to watch a programme on tv about the present recession and I had to give up on it after 10 minutes. It was SO UTTERLY depressing and very worrying. Money worries are a thing that really get me down and this ignited a whole load of fears. Also, I felt so sorry for the people interviewed who had hit rock bottom and could see no way out or up or whatever. They say that acting is a recession-proof job but what isn’t generally added to that is that there aren’t many jobs out there in the first place, without the monetary pressure that a recession brings with it. Add to that the still relevant statistic that there are about 7 men’s parts to each woman’s role and it’s a nightmare.
And we really do rely, as a profession, on people wanting to lift their spirits with Entertainments in rough times. I hope it holds true now. I learned tonight that the Russian for show is ‘spectacle’ and I hope that OCTOBER will be such a thing and spectacular with it. The bouncy castle arrived today and I had a go on it and I must say I was a bit puffed out afterwards. The prospect of bouncing and acting and having enough breath for both and the skill to sneak in scripted lines throughout is a daunting one but I felt the tingle of a challenge and look forward to having it on board from now on.
I turned over channels on the tv and saw that 1,000 people have been killed in the Gaza conflict over the past 19 days. Such a disgraceful figure and a terrible, terrible situation.
I’m going to bed before I lose all will to continue – the world is in a bad old state and human nature is proving a vile thing right now. I’ll try bouncing all of that off in the morning but sadly it won’t make it go away altogether.