danger in paradise...? 22 April 2013
So, my Mum has taken me away for a week and we are sizzling in some Egyptian sun right now. We do NOTHING but read all day, get a bit burnt, and argue later on (about lots) while eating (lots).
The hotel is lovely and the price of the hooch is prohibitively high so I am living a clean-ish life.
We have some wildlife – a few visiting birds and some pet ants.
I don’t know what to make of the ants and I can’t figure out what they want from me. It’s hard to get along with them and I am not clear on what sort of meaningful relationship mankind has ever had with ants. They’re tough to communicate with and we certainly don’t share a common language (notwithstanding that they are Egyptian and therefore may not even understand English if we ever have a conversation). Our guys are quite big and one even joined me on the verandah by climbing a towel onto my arm a few days ago…since then NOTHING, s/he hasn’t been in touch, though I THINK it was him/her who invaded the room this morning and had to be rescued and put out on the gravel. Perhaps they are staying aloof because they know that in my Dublin house I have often left death for the invading hordes of ants who like to try an incursion once or twice a year and encounter poison and decimation when they do. We live in a global village and for all I know the ants are communicating with each other’s tribes. I may be in more trouble than I think…perhaps these are advance scouts, gathering information that will lead to my downfall…