customised 4 July 2008
I have always been against the customisation of anything – be it a ring tone or a number plate – vanity, I ritually accuse. I also usually stop people from showing pictures of their kids/dogs/goldfish on phones and so on- well, only if I haven’t asked, then I am happy to coo. BUT I have been trying to get a good photo of the G cat on my phone as the ‘wallpaper’. That wagon is photogenic, and no mistake, but in any of the shots I have taken she ain’t like I see her. I had a photo of her on my knee taken by the camera in the phone from my perspective on the ‘dash’, as twere, until tonight and she looked totally unlike herself. For one thing, she looks so thin – damn her, how is she doing that? The camera is supposed to add POUNDS. In all the photos I have taken she is supermodel slim. I have a new one up now but all of the symbols for the rubbish things my phone supposedly does are distracting from her pretty face. I did take one of herself and Rich touching noses but he looks so pale and human beside her we both thought it best not to choose that one – well, he doesn’t know that yet, but he will…soon…
She pretty.
Neck not too bad, thanks.
Yep, writing happening.