cold 2 November 2008
Well, November has struck and there’s still no window in the bathroom we shower (etc) in – still the wooden plank in place of glass with wind and associated gusting howling around the edges of that when the weather gets feisty. I have a feeling things are about to get a whole lot colder in general for us too. The heating system is going under the builders’ gaze over the next while so I am glad I bought my new padded duvet of a coat – it’s white which ain’t the most practical of colours, but it is cosy. Tonight (and this is with the heating on, but plenty of walls missing in the house in general) I wore my normal clothes, a fleece, the duvet coat and had a long knit over the legs as I watched the telly. Toasty, but for the poor fingers reaching bravely out for my glass of red wine…What we could really do with now is a bit of the Summer that never was. The G, who is back to rights after a notice went up not to close the bedroom doors on her, is helping by rendering the bed duvet cover into mohair with the shedding of her own fur. It’s funny to watch the tussle – the one thing Richard is consistently great for around the house is that he’ll always change the duvet cover and now that’s a ‘thing’ between the two of them. He replaces the cover, she redoubles her efforts to make it acceptably hairy to her. She’s just doing her bit to insulate us all, I’d guess, just as we have upset her world by lagging the roof (and having to take the top of the house off to do so and thereby ruin her sleepy solitude by having noisy men stomping around the house).