castle 15 January 2009
Oh dear, oh dear – I spent most of the afternoon on a bouncy castle and it now HURTS to be alive. I can feel muscles that I never knew were there. I am hoping I will be a toned goddess by the time the play opens. Basically, I thought it would be like bouncing on a trampoline (not that I’ve been on one of those very often) – I thought it would be easy to use my own velocity to do most of the work for me – eh, NO. It’s like trying to bounce on a few (very good) duvets all piled on one another and all on top of a water bed. If you get too close to anyone else you’ll end up ON them or vice versa. Get too close to the sides and you may as well set up camp there and plan to be set on a slanty angle for the rest of your day. Try adding in lines and acting and you are just facing failure. I’m hoping we’ll have a stretch on the evil thing every day so that it’ll be unremarkable to us anytime we take to it to work on…and I’d like that also because it’s GREAT FUN TOO – my main problem is trying not to go WHEEEEEE every time I get a good bounce on.
Thanks to all of you who have been in touch to say you enjoyed the new novel – it means a lot and I am thrilled that you have liked it…if only the next one would START ITSELF…perhaps I should involve a bouncy castle…that’s something I’ll know lots about soon (I seem to jest but books have come from less and if it comes to pass then you’ll all be able to point to this blog!)