bruises 18 September 2009
I bruise really easily which is probably not ideal in a person who works in a robust atmosphere like acting (well, in my own case, not LIKE but actually) SO just wait till tomorrow and the ‘sins’ of today show up. I was shagged (er, yes) up against a door and shot (by camera) from a number of different angles (enjoyed it greatly as it was good work – all about the work, my dears, OF COURSE, so no whinge there AT ALL) and I dare invent the term ‘door burn’ to rival carpet burn now – for instance, I have not only the burn but also a sore bruise beneath – it really is OUCH to the touch. I wouldn’t change a thing, be certain of that, but you really would not do the things we were pretending to do more than once FOR REAL let alone a number of times (tv = a cruel god) so a bod can expect a bit of rough’n‘tumble and the results thereof…I will catalogue what turns up tomorrow but can I just mention that already on the train from Manchester to London I saw some swoppin bruises on the outer thighs…and they don’t even hurt…not like the small of my back, which is in bits…I will be like a Kandinsky painting!!! The glamour…the feckin GLAMOUR