brolly 16 November 2010
I find that umbrellas, like biros, are an item that you often acquire but don’t necessarily buy regularly for yourself. I did, however, have occasion to purchase the gift of an elegant, frilled umbrella for a dear friend recently. I wanted to see it unfolded and was in that dilemma of remembering that it was supposed to be bad luck to do so indoors and feeling that I’m not a superstitious person so that shouldn’t matter. Facts are that I’d say not opening an umbrella indoors is all to do with not accidentally wrecking wherever you are and naff all to do with ‘bad luck’ added to which I was in a department store and if I’d left with said brolly to open it outdoors it would have technically been theft so I’d‘ve been in some or other doodoo. Also, I reasoned this year has been shit and some more piled on really won’t make all that much difference. I opened the thing, it was beautiful, I bought it and left into a shower of rain which I had to let wet me as I couldn’t be using a gift before handing it over to the giftee. If that’s all the bad luck I encounter I’m willing to take more chances between now and the end of December…