bridge 14 June 2009
The decision to stay in London rather than spend so much time travelling this weekend has paid off, I feel. I had my great hour long walk by the Thames early this morning and was delighted all over again by Vauxhall Bridge (which is where I turn around and head back home to Soho). It’s a lovely piece of work and you gotta love a bridge, eh? But what I particularly noticed today was that by the still used slipway just before it there is a series of granite lion heads ‘guarding’ the way to the river, night and day; stolid and hard working and never drawing attention to themselves. Great altogether. And I bet most people don’t even notice them or appreciate their important work!
Other than that I became very properly engaged with Novel Number 8 today and that alone justifies the staying put. I can feel a fire in my belly starting for it. Phew, on one level, as I have a shorter time to complete it than I’d like and I have been ignoring it somewhat. But it’s in train now and I am delighted. I think it’s abut loneliness, really, and the nature of how we humans do or do not care for one another (not necessarily 2 notions or concepts that might or need to go together, but we’ll see).