blizzard 16 December 2009
It has been snowing steadily in Odessa (ukraine) for 2 days now and i step out into 2ft of snow whenever i venture forth – i hear it’s the same in my home street in soho london so hey let’s hear it for global warming (?) being equal opportunities… good thing is it’s dry stuff here and tremendous – chocolate box, really, and even more beautiful to look at, now that the fierce wind has abated – it was a tad too much of a challenge. i did buy a better pair of boots, fear not, and the trainers are for indoors use now. it’s extraordinary and even the odessans are surprised by it. it’ll be a challenge getting to the language school tomorrow for my first lesson – Himself is insisting i do same, even though i would prefer the time to write – a tense time of collision here on this subject but we skirt around it as best we can…i know i will enjoy learning something about the language but i resent the precious time…flash point and we all know it…still, onward and upward (i shall ask how to say that pa russki…)