biking gear 21 January 2009
There are 2 committed cyclists among us in the cast. One is Vic Smurfit who had a spill last week off her bike (and the papers tried their best to hype it up but, em, no, not SUCH a great story or world issue) and Lorcan who plays Frank. They are remarkable for getting up on those contraptions in the freezing and quite shite weather we have had recently. Whatever you’re having yourself, I say, while standing at the bus stop or putting hand out for a Lovely Cab. Of course, The Biking Two have the reflective this and blinking that but what none of us can understand is why bicycle gear is SO awful. It does no one any favours. It’s nerdy and uncool and is unflattering in the extreme. WHY? Motorcycle helmets are cool and the leathers you sometimes see on the riders are FINE…in fact, I am told by various of my Gay Brethren that an Irish cop in the full motorbike outfit is among the hottest in the world. So why is the unmotorised bike stuff so vile? All answers on t he back of a 50 euro note, please.