bendy 15 November 2008
I was way too bendy last night to do a report – can’t remember leaving the doo or getting home = eek! As a result I am suffering today (well deserved) but also haven’t much to say as was TOO BENDY and recall little enough of the whole event. I will say some fabulous women were honoured and Anne Enright, writer and person extraordinaire, won both the literature prize and overall Woman of the Year – huzzah!
More anon as it returns to me (already am filled with dread as I know the day will be full of memories that make me say aloud ‘oh NO I said/did that, didn’t I?!’
I think I ‘bought’ a necklace off a woman whose card is in my handbag (though I have to go into her shop and pay for it and claim the loveliness – hope it’s not wildly expensive!!!)
I blagged a teddybear for a Russian friend and have a man who does make-up’s card also so must contact him and find out what bind I’ve got myself into there.
Right, let the apology tour begin…