battle 8 December 2009
I’ve been writing a diary piece for one of the papers about my time thus far on SHAMELESS and I have found it a bit of a battle. You see, acting though wonderful (well, wonderful when it’s going well) is a lot more nuts and bolts than people might realise, especially for tv or film. You repeat, you film every angle, you put in long hours. Whenever I talk about making FATHER TED people always say ‘oh you must have so many funny stories, so many funny things that happened’ and I’m not sure that I do, at least not eery day from the set and work itself. I have many fantastic memories, but the funny incidents were in the script and we spent all of our day making sure they were properly committed to tape. So, even though I am having a ball making this show when I talk about it I realise I spent all of the early days worrying about whether I’d get the part and once I did worrying that I wouldn’t deliver…and I truly believe that the day I think I’ve cracked it is the day I should give it up as I’ll have lost The Plot or lost sight of where I think I need to go with it. In the meantime, there’s the task of making the process seem a lot more interesting that it may be for readers of a newspaper coming to you soon!