arturo ui 21 November 2008
Anyone within ANY distance of Dublin should go and see The Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui at the Abbey Theatre. It is MAGNIFICENT – scary and hilarious. Central to the brilliant ensemble cast’s performance is a tour de force by the young actor Tom Vaughan Lawlor who is extraordinary as Arturo – part Charlie Chaplin, part Groucho Marx, part Adolph Hitler. Can’t recommend it enough. Don;t let the fact that it’s by Brecht have any influence on whether you plan to see it – JUST GO )you’ll thank me for it)
And for those of you within ANY distance of New York – the IRish company Rough Magic presents Improbably Frequency from Dec 4 til Jan 4 at the 59 east 59 theatre. It’s a riot of musical theatre based around the World War 2 years in Dublin, which we Irish charmingly called the Emergency, when John Betjeman was in residence and suspected to be a British spy, Irwin Schrodinger was here at the behest of the government and the city was a hotbed of all sorts of spies, drunks, IRA men and the like. It’s fantastic and hilarious and another big recommendation from Yours Truly.
Building Update – today the dust was bad AGAIN – I really do believe I will be finding it in books, nooks and crannies for YEARS to come. More smelly stuff promised for next week when that old pungent favourite fibreglass is introduced to proceedings as the base of a (small) ‘run around’ shower. Hope the Hairy Lass survives that alright as it’s fairly noxious, I think. I’m just fed up now that everything has taken so long and we hadn’t expected it to initially – we should be facing into our last week but we have 4 more to go because so much time was lost during our truly crap summer.
Permission granted for the quotes used in MISSING YOU ALREADY so it’s full steam ahead – in bookshops everywhere from January 8th. (PHEW!)