all day 24 November 2009
I’m looking out at the grey Northern sky and thinking I’ll have to emerge from my little cocoon soon and deal with that day out there. Mostly I need to check out the 24 hour gym that has opened down the road – don’t get me wrong it’s not that I have visions of visiting it when sleep is elusive in the wee small hours (as you all know it has been over the last while) just that there is no deadline in the evening on it for getting in a bit of exercise. I have various weights and stretchy things here in the flat that I grab hold of every so often but I miss a good stretch of the legs so need to get some treadmill action back in the frame.
Writing away all the while, though I wish it was happening a bit more quickly and perhaps more wordily (as in WORDAGE – I want WORDAGE and to rack ‘em up on the word counter…)
Emma, our wonderful Head of Make-up on SHAMELESS is doctoring Mrs Doyle’s one and only wig and I will attach it to the Angel at the weekend, finish all of the painting and release her into the charity community. From a creative point of view, then, that’s something I’ll have done, finished and delivered and I hope will be an inspiration to me for other ends of things (this darn novule!)